2016 Arch Linux NetworkManager / Wifi Setup guide.

2016 Arch Linux NetworkManager / Wifi Setup guide.

This is a quick rundown of getting your internet setup in Arch.

If you need to connect to wifi from the usb stick or boot cd, once booted in type:


Then select your wifi network and follow the prompts to connect.

Assuming you either:
A. Connected to the internet via booting to usb and chrooting into your system
B. Connected to the internet via booting to usb, using wifi-menu, then chrooting into your system
C. Connected to the internet via setting up [email protected] during your Arch install via my guide

Here’s how we’re going to switch from those, and set up a PROPER user-friendly network manager:

Once booted into your system:

sudo pacman -S networkmanager network-manager-applet

Next we need to disable dhcpcd and netcl, as NetworkManager will replace both, and it can’t run if either dhcpcd or netctl are running. So first let’s find our devices:

ip link

Anything starting with enp is an ethernet device
Anything starting with wlp is a wireless device.

disable dhcpcd on any ethernet devices (my device was listed as enp1s0):

sudo systemctl disable [email protected]

disable netctl on any wireless devices (my device was listed as wlp1s0):

sudo systemctl disable [email protected]

lastly, enable network manager:

sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager.service



When you log in, gnome or any desktop environment that allows network-manager-applet to run at start will have the connection status listed in the system tray, with options clickable for configuration (including connecting to various wifi networks listed).

presto. done!

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